Wednesday 13 May 2020

Three ways to spot counterfeit OEM parts

Counterfeit OEM auto-parts has become a big problem in recent years, and distinguishing them from real GM OEM body parts can get harder. The reason being the manufacturing process, they look just similar.

Counterfeit car parts are not just downsizing the original manufacturer’s sales, but they are downright putting the driver’s life at higher risk. So, here are three basic ways to distinguish the fake auto-parts.

1- The parts are inexpensive:

The main reason for the sudden boom in counterfeit auto-part is because they are much cheaper than aftermarket and OEM parts. If the price is too good to be true, then the probability of the part being a knock off is higher. 

2- Compare to an original part:

The best way to tell apart is by comparing the parts side by side. Look for the similarities and tiny differences; one may weigh less and even have a distinct smell, which is the prime indication that cheaper, less durable materials got used in its construction.

3- Verify certificate of authenticity:

The next step is to check the Certificate of Authenticity COA. You can find this sticker on the OEM part or the package. You can request a professional to inspect the security code and ID label against VIN(vehicle identification number) to check the part’s authenticity. 

Bottom line

If you feel dubious about the OEM auto-part purchase, make sure to follow these simple tricks.

Or buy OEM GM parts from a reliable source like GM Outlet Parts.

To know more about GM Performance Parts please visit our website:


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